2014: New Year Resolution


New Year Resolution: This is officially my first post for this year, before I continue, I apologize for putting up this post so late, it’s been a busy period.

I have been preparing for my first job interview…huh! That’s gist for another day.

Anyway, in 2013 I believe most of us made New Year Resolutions…how many of them could we keep up till the end of the year?

I did make resolutions at the beginning of last year and I ended up keeping most of them, though not all.

So, this year I decided that my resolutions would take a different view. Here are my resolutions;

  1. Love God and involve Him first in my plans.
  2. Be kind
  3. Keep up the smile

Looks few. Just three, right? Yes, all my resolutions are wrapped up in these three.

Number one is inspired by the fact that I have made up my mind to be closer to God this year than ever, and to achieve that, I must love Him more.

When you love someone, you will always try to make that person happy, whatever that person you’d always want to listen and do too.

This year, I have resolved to make God the FIRST and everyone else, AFTER Him.

Listen when He calls, and make Him proud of me.

I have also resolved to involve Him in every plan of mine…I have so many plans for this year and I hope by God’s grace to achieve them.

Number Two is inspired by the fact that I want people around me to be happy.

To give to people in need, show love and be kind.

Even though most people are usually ungrateful, for the most part I don’t really mind…Kindness should be a lifestyle.

Number three is to encourage everyone that no situation is totally hopeless.

Sometimes, what the other gloomy and sad person needs, is just a smile to assure him/her that all will be well.

Smile, you may never tell who actually depends on it to feel happy.

Finally, Love God, show kindness and smile. And don’t forget, even “Good morning” is a prayer, prophesy into someone’s life.

Have you made your New Year Resolutions, yet? How do you intend to keep them?

Happy New Year, friends!


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