Home / Relationships / MUST WATCH: Funny video…On a Date, who should handle the bills?

MUST WATCH: Funny video…On a Date, who should handle the bills?

Lol….this funny video just reminded me of a scenario few years ago where I ended up footing my bills and that of my girlfriends’ without their knowledge, because Mr. Man (my date) wanted to be ‘over-generous’.

Before you judge me…Mr. Man and I were going on a date for the first time and we had agreed on what we were going to eat and how much we were going to spend.

I was supposed to handle the drinks and him, the food.

I met my girlfriends few minutes before my date with Mr. Man and told them I was going somewhere and I didn’t want to reveal…to my surprise, they were also going somewhere and they didn’t want to let me know.

After persuading them to tell me where they were going, it turned out to be the same place I was going.

It was too late to cancel our plan.

So, I met up Mr. Man and told him what’s up, that I was not with them but that they were my friends and we just happened to be in the same place, he said he understood.

Instead of him letting my chics deal with their bills, after all I had told him we were not together and I had told him I had little cash on me, plus we had an agreement, he became Mr. Charity and spent the money he was supposed to use in settling the bills on the food, without telling me.

Only for the bills to come and Mr. Man began to speak *iko umani.

Oh yes! I should have just paid for my food and walked out, but then I turned and saw my friends smiling and saying, “Oh he is so sweet, he is settling our bills”….he was just there taking all the glory.

I didn’t want to *fall my hands*, so I paid the bills, pretended not to be angry just then an emergency came up and I was called, no other time could have been more perfect, I took my purse and left.

He could have thought it was the emergency, I was so upset.

He actually hung around a bit. Guess what? He paid their transport back to their apartment…so I heard later.

Don’t ask me if we had a second date…some kind of experiences don’t need a Part 2.

I don learn plenty things for this life oh!

These two human beings in this video just cracked me up. Ladies, never forget to carry *vex money. It could save your integrity.

*iko umani is some language I used to hear my grandma talk about, like if what you are saying makes no sense, then you must be speaking the language.

*fall my hands: let’s say disappoint myself, or bruise my ego.

*vex money is a certain amount of money you carry in your purse just incase of unforeseen circumstances you can save yourself from being stranded especially while on a date.

PhotoCredits: www.dailymail.co.uk www.blogwithbenefits.com

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